2020 Aus Perths Botanic Beauty

Perth’s Botanic Beauty A Wandering Boab Tree and the Homeless Honeysuckle You can guess from the photo that the vegan plateful I consumed for my lunch after we said goodbye to Walter was the most delicious in a long time. Rob’s Caesar salad was laden with chicken, so we were both well-nourished for a look around the abundant gardens that cover the hillside looking towards the Indian Ocean. The whole area looks completely natural despite the planters having brought together native flora from numerous different climate regions of Australia. The boab tree had a long journey from the Kimberleys and is still recovering from the wounds as you can see and I thought the name Homeless Honeysuckle was poignant until I read that it would be re-introduced into a recently purchased 40 ha area of ideal habitat. At least some people are on its side. Access to the gardens is easy by foot or car and as we walked around the far extremity near the roadside we spotted the little honey eater taking refreshment and quite unafraid of us. The very next day after we had walked over the steel bridge you see in the picture it was closed and we wondered if people would also be barred from relaxing in this lovely area of Kings Park. If they are it will be a blow to many people, including the two carers with their one helmeted and the other wheelchair bound wards taking respite in the peace and beauty surrounding them. |