2019 Aus Streets Beach on South Bank

A Cool Swim at Streets Beach on South Bank We had been looking forward throughout our hot day at the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary to a cool swim at Streets Beach. We could even choose whether we wanted sandy feet at the beginning and end of the dip real beach style or sand free tootsies. We chose the sand and floated in the deep centre admiring the city skyline like a pair of meerkats in between healthy bursts of breast stroke. The Plough Inn is a genuine old pub, photos 999-002 are taken from the restored colonial balcony, and it provided a wonderful cool beer and nice views over the water before we wandered back slowly ‘home’ in the pretty, pastel transition between dusk and the night time lights of the city. I preferred the evenings down there as it was cooler and one could swim well into the night if one chose to, or just relax in the lovely, gently lit gardens at the end of another busy, full day. |