14:05.25N 65:11.92W Half way to Curacao across the Caribbean Sea

Thu 4 Feb 2016 16:28
The pelicans had already started crash diving for their breakfasts when we
brought our stern lines aboard and Zoonie motored gently forward, with a short
halt for Rob to release our bowline from the buoy. Then I gave Zoonie a burst
ahead with the wheel full to port to turn her in the short distance we had
before we reached the mooring buoys opposite.
We had breakfast and showers alongside the fuel jetty, awaiting the
marinero and then we were off, sailing past the verdant slopes of lovely
Guadeloupe towards the gap between her and the greening of Les Saint Iles. We
were leaving behind us our friend the North Atlantic and entering the Caribbean
Sea, with both a fine wind and current sending us into new waters for the three
of us.
That night the wind died and tired of hearing the slatting of the sails we
resorted to motoring and wondered where the fair wind forecast had got it wrong.
Our second day was hot and airless. The highlight, or low point depending
on how you look at it, was seeing and hearing a tug on the daisy chain fishing
lure, trailing behind and Rob bringing it in to find one plastic squid left and
hefty teeth marks. A big fish had taken the rest from a sideways grab so
hopefully the hook will have been released into the sea and not caught in the
fish. (Photos of tooth marks to follow.) We were both glad we hadn’t brought it
on board, with teeth like that.
We tried the diva in the afternoon but there was not even enough wind to
fill her ample lungs.
“Please no lightening to take out our electrics,” I whispered as I sat on
watch that night, watching a massive squall approach. But it was kind and just
delivered enough rain to wash the windows and cool the air. At first light we
set the sails to catch the generous 12 knots it left us in its wake but sadly
that too soon faded.
We keep one big window open to bring in some air to the saloon and have to
remember to close it if it rains. This morning it was blissful from daylight
before the sun rose and afterwards for a few more minutes before it shone and
brought great heat. It is 38’ in the saloon, but bearable with a little passing
air, and we are luxuriating in cool showers. Getting ready for the watch these
days doesn’t take long, just on with the vest top and shorts and we’re ready.
Day time attire is: well best not go there.
Zoonie is now sailing again with the help of an approaching cloud mass
giving 13 – 16 knots, let’s hope it lasts!