Curacao - Two days by car

Sun 14 Feb 2016 17:43
After a long, hot wait for our hire car pickup we made straight for the
Christoffel Mountain Park and on it the Savonet Plantation since we knew that
most of the activity starts in the early morning; after 11.00am no one is
allowed to climb the mountain as it is too hot and the circuits along concrete
roads must be done by car.
Since it was nearly lunchtime when we arrived we drove to the first car
park area in the park to enjoy our picnic at a bench in the shade of a tree.
Straightaway lizards started to show an interest in us and a small group
gathered around, some braving it and one nipping Rob’s toe to see if it was
edible. Then suddenly they all sped away as two golden eagle like birds swoop
overhead, also looking for lunch.
We came across an old master’s mansion, in ruins, a threshing floor,
presumably to separate grain from maize kernels, and a round post of mysterious
purpose, possibly for beating slaves. The lower region is full of Tamarind and
Brazil Trees, both used in the production of dyes for cotton and the columnar
cactus known here as kadushi and in the US as Sahauro. The two types that flower
year round are visited in the night by bats that pollinate them as they drink
the nectar, thus providing food for many species of birds in the arid dry
As we gained height towards Christoffel Mountain (375m) we noticed the
lichen, or beard moss, and orchids enjoying the moist atmosphere.
We explored the Savonet Master’s Mansion which is now a museum. Up a near
vertical ladder the upper floor comprises two bedrooms with windows on both
sides to create a cool draft. The actual wedding bouquet of the master’s bride,
dating from 1931 is preserved along with their champagne glasses and photos. It
was nearly three in the afternoon and the museum was closing. I could have spent
another hour or so there but to Rob’s relief it was time to set off on our
second car trail towards the coast.
We often heard but did not see tropical mockingbirds and we did see the
yellow warbler in numerous places on the island. In the only accessible cave
Arawak Indians from South America made their homes 6000 year ago and the cave
paintings are reckoned to be around 2000 years old, (slow learners).
We were at a high look out point, enjoying the view when I had that sneaky
feeling we were being watched. Sometimes the best views are just over one’s
shoulder like the fine iguana, eyeing us from his thorny bush. A lone hiker
shared our enjoyment and said these beautiful reptiles love the heat of the sun
to penetrate their scaly skin.
This plantation was one of the most successful on the island, specialising
in salt and dyes for export and peanuts, sorghum (Cornflakes) mixed farming and
cotton for island use. To overcome aridity a complex layout of wells, where
water was drawn up by windmill (many are still in use) into stone troughs or
dammed man-made lakes and then used to irrigate the crops.
On our way back we passed the fish-killer tree, (Mata Piska in the
Papiamentu language or slave language) whose branches and twigs can be used to
drug fishes so they can be caught.
Near to where we are anchored is the restored Fort Beekenburg, built and
used mostly by the Dutch East India Company and providing safety and a
quarantine base for trading vessels that moored beneath alongside wooden quays
that now provide parking spaces for local fishermen.
The next morning we sped towards the newly opened Sambil Shopping Mall for
what turned out to be a bit of a spree. When Venezuela discovered oil in its
northern waters in the 1920s they decided to send it to Curacao for refining.
The refinery has brought massive employment to the people and thus wealth to
individuals and the government. Also there are always two new cruise liners in
Willemstad on a daily basis and lots of luxury resorts along the south west
coast. So I guess that’s how they thought a mall on this scale would thrive. We
arrived just after opening and found the main doors that appeared on all the
posters were not in use. But we did find our way into this shoppers haven. I
bought some inexpensive clothes, mostly made in Colombia which suit the hot
weather (that’s my excuse).
Then we had a delicious coffee before heading off for Lagun Beach,
discovered on our way back the day before.
Local fishermen were cleaning their catch on tables when we arrived and we
kicked ourselves for not buying some fresh red snapper. Cats yowled
competitively over the scraps.
We flopped onto two hire loungers to get our bearings, with a cockerel and
chicken for company, then went snorkelling all around this tiny, charming bay.
There were countless colourful fish, golden eyed tetras with gold lateral lines,
big pale blue and green parrot fish with their orange beaks and the Flying
Gurnard to name just a few. The latter was mottled stone in colour and we
hovered above watching him flush the seabed towards his mouth parts for food.
Every now and again he would open his big lateral fins like fans with blue tips,
quite beautiful.
Remember our mystery fish of the Atlantic crossing? It’s an Ocean
Triggerfish we discovered from a poster at the bar at the top of the bay. The
Gurnard Rob discovered on his Tropical fish phone app. Just need one on Tropical
land birds now.
After our picnic lunch we relaxed and then went for another snorkel, the
opposite way around and for the first time Rob took the underwater Lumix camera
that I use for most of our pics.
Mr Deckchair man came to collect his money and became a regular visitor on
his rounds and we heard his lovely rich laugh at numerous times. He knew some of
the local folk and chatted happily in American or Papiamentu (love that word).
This bit is for Paul in Oakham. Dutch, Amerenglish (just made that up, cool eh!)
and Papiamentu are spoken by the 21 cultures that reside here. The latter
developed from Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch and African dialects and became the
main form of communication between slaves and their captors.
As the evening approached, and wanting to avoid the rush hour from
Willemstad towards Spanish Bay, we relaxed at the Bahia Bar along with the
iguanas on the wooden floor and in the trees at balcony height around us. A
white haired black man in pink swimming shorts crossed himself as he went for an
evening swim with his wife and one of those fabulous birds we had seen on the
wall while we had coffee in Willemstad, we saw for real, feeding its
What a beautiful, unspoilt, friendly place.