2021 SA Dry Dock Gin Tasting

Dry Dock Gin Tasting Jackie had an uphill struggle with our gin tasting, firstly because we were completely distracted watching the OOC Sapphire Supply Ship being carefully backed out of the 1870 Robinson dry dock right next to the Cape Town Gin chalet and secondly because I wondered how one could possibly leave a GIN tasting session without being pie eyed. Well, the answers were quite simple, Jackie didn’t mind us watching the interesting ship movement, complete with the pilot poised and ready to jump for the rope ladder and the complex manoeuvring of the bulky lock gate back into position confirming Rob’s theory that once the gate is within its groove on the harbour wall both sides then it is filled with water to sink it, so it would sit on the bottom and enable the emptying of the lock. As only tiny amounts of three gin types were used in the tasting, only the weakest would succumb to their alcoholic effects. What could other wise be a very short session was extended with the adding of certain fruits and spices to the Classic white, the warming tea coloured Rooibos and the pretty Pink Lady, coloured with hibiscus blossom and rose water. The Classic had a tiny piece of lemon added, the Rooibos a slither of a cinnamon lookalike, a piece of orange and a slapped basil leaf “lay it in the palm of your hand, now slap it as if it is someone you don’t like” Jackie said, and pink grapefruit, rubbed rosemary and star anise took a dive into the Pink Lady. They were all nice so we bought a bottle of Rooibos and Pink Lady to join the Gordons in the cupboard for consumption later on. Three days now before we leave this Sunday for St Helena and I had a ridiculous anxiety dream last night. I arrived at a house to give a driving lesson only to find myself in sole charge of two children who had covered the floor with toys and boxes of tools(!!) while their mother disappeared. After some time, I started hunting for my ignition key only to find there were countless ignition keys amongst the clutter, none of them mine and even a ten-pound bribe to the children brought no results. Then I awoke thank goodness. I’ll write again when we are a few days out to bring you up to date with our news and position, but as you know there will be no photos, I’m afraid. Take care and stay well. |