Vigo still then.

Fri 7 Aug 2015 14:09
We shopped in Froiz supermarket having trailed our little polka dot trolley the 2 miles or so from the marina around the docks into the little town of Bouzas, appropriate name for a place with some nice bars. If one judges supermarkets by the range of products, this one lacked peanut butter and Jameson Whisky!
Next morning Enriques (Henry) shortened to Quiqui, arrived to break the news for bringing our out-dated electrical system into the 21st century and keep us safe and charged for longer without engine power. They have to source the 4 gel batteries so work starts next Monday morning. We said we would think about it. After about 10 minutes of recovering from the shock we called him and when he returned aboard and we accepted he immediately said our stay in the marina for our entire visit would be free of charge. The charge for our length would normally be around 30 euros per night so that’s a good saving at least and the job would probably cost more in the UK. Ok I know you want me to tell you, 6,280 euros, or around £4,716.00, say it quickly, it sounds less.
Well the M/V Mayan Queen IV arrived, all 94 metres of her. White Pigeon could be her tender. Marina ribs were whizzing around taking lines, the golf trolley rolled down the pontoon laden with water bottles, kitchen rolls and loo paper (rough trip maybe). Hoses came out to wash off her sleek, shark-like hull and a guy risked his neck hosing down the sloping coach roofs. A barrier was installed to give her security but no one stopped us taking photos. Better get fuelled up before her or we’ll be here another week! Mr Google will tell you her mexican owner is into gold and silver mines, up market high street clothes shops and other investments. She flies a red ensign, bit bigger than ours.
With time on our hands and Zoonie very comfortably situated and our bodies telling us we needed some exercise, yesterday we took ourselves back to Isla Cies by ferry. A young lady opposite us turned sideways in her seat and slumbered in her willing boyfriends arms. When she awoke they spoke quietly for a moment then she asked appealingly “Did I make a noise when I was asleep?” in unison we said “You snored very loudly” and Rob said “and you dribbled”. Her boyfriend was delighted we built on his tease, “Look at my sleeve” he pointed to the invisible wet patch “I don’t think I did” she said, slapping him affectionately.
Beautiful Cies was flaunting a veil of grey and white fog all day, between herself and the mainland and island to the south and through the lagoon gap. It kept us cool as we trekked for two hours to a view point looking down, from heaven it seemed, onto her glory and then to her northern lighthouse Faro do Pieto on Monte Aguido looking towards Isla Ons but hidden today. “We sailed through here, Barbs”. From the Playa Figuera, where we swam and sun-bathed, the white fog was playfully dancing and curling into shapes: a swan and pegasus at full gallop with yachts and ferries eerily emerging or being sucked away to oblivion.
On the return ferry a Spanish granny on her ipad and a young Oriental lady on her iphone both playing Candy Crush reminded me I must put it back on my tablet if I can, used to like playing it with Ruby.
We walked the three mile walk from the Vigo ferry terminal past the shipyards and derelict offices and warehouse. The tuna factory had offices at the end, now browned vertical louvres blew out of the windows and black-rimmed holes showed where flames had found their way to the outside. It must have been an exercise getting everyone out safely.
Aboard, after a cool beer at the bar, not surprised are you(!) we had supper and largely due to three hours of walking workout, we slept soundly.
7th August. After such a lovely day exploring we were both happy to do some Zoonie cleaning this morning, Rob on deck and washing and me sorting my clothes and washing her surfaces and floors. Have you ever seen how manky the inside of a sink plug can get?