Zoonie Canal Crossing

Sun 28 Feb 2016 21:19

Zoonie transit Panama



To: charly white, Darren Phillips, eloisa rule oyster, Emily Wyatt, Greg Chapman, ingebjorg horndalen, Irvings Bournemouth, Johns, Sue Pantaenius, Jonty White, mark woodcock, mike petch, poole quay boat haven, Robin Boon, sally hartnoll, stein larsen, stewart pedge, tina larsen, vince howard Cc: catherine laurent, Dave Ford, Geoff Rogers, ianbs {CHANGE TO AT} btinternet {DOT} com, jayne marlin, john hoult, richard white; Bcc: Susan Green




Hi Everyone,

We are ready to go and we will start to transit at 1600, 9.00pm your time tomorrow the 29th and will be through the first locks at 18.46, 11.46pm your time, so you should see us between those times.

We then proceed to an anchorage for the night

The next day, Tuesday the 30th at 08.00, 13.00pm your time, the Advisor comes aboard again to resume the crossing, and we should be through the Miraflores Canal by 1300, 08.00pm your time.

So between those times you should see us.

I gave you the sites yesterday.

Take care,
