Meeting Friends !

Blue Magic
Mark & Chris Dewey
Sun 11 Sep 2016 09:12
Meeting Friends

Day 4

Another 50 miles of motoring this morning to arrive at the Island of Favignana one of the Egadi Islands off the South West coast of Sicily.

We had a warm welcome from Lynn and Roger on Parmazi and we anchored (first time !)
next to them.
We spent a lovely evening aboard the beautiful Parmazi (an Oyster 575) catching up and sharing stories.

This morning I prepared some food for our next trip of 24hrs to Cagliari in Sardinia 170 miles away.
Just in case it's bumpy !
We should arrive mid morning on Monday, our first overnighter for a couple of years.
I am looking forward to seeing the stars and we will have a good moon too.
It will be very exciting to arrive somewhere new.