Still in Salalah !

Yes, we are still in sunny Salalah ! There are 20 yachts from the Blue Water Rally here in Our ‘team’ has been working very hard to secure
the shipping contract and all the details that entails and we have been given a
window of the first two weeks in May for loading the yachts ready for
transportation. It has been a very frustrating time, with several set backs
and time delays due to various events beyond our control. However we are settling into a routine here, cleaning the
boat early morning and late afternoon whilst it is relatively cool and spending
the hottest part of the day at the Hilton Hotel. I am making good use of the gym, Mark says he is getting fit
just walking through on his way to the sun beds ! Tuesday night is bowling, Thursday is quiz night and we are
introducing a video night on a Sunday showing films on the big screen at the
Oasis Club. Yesterday we all had a day out of the asylum and headed West
in our convoy of hire cars to a lovely secluded bay where we swam, snorkelled
and had a barby for lunch. Brian, Gavin and Alden made very good hunter, gatherers with
their spear guns, catching lots of crayfish and a huge Parrott fish for the
barbeque. Today Mark is watching the final of the cricket with a few
of the lads, pints in hand, at the Oasis club. I am sat quietly (yes, difficult
to imagine) catching up with some blogs to keep you all updated. We have been back to the |