Another Day in Paradise

Hi everyone, hope you are having a great weekend. It has been really hard here, so hot and sunny. We found a fab supermarket this morning and stocked up, we
even found oyster sauce and Worcester sauce, such excitement ! For lunch today we tried a local dish of Bacalhau a Nate.
This is cod and potato and onions baked in a cream sauce - delicious. The
waiter told us it was poor mans food so we think that the cod they use must be
the salted cod that is piled high in the supermarkets and looks disgusting and
smells even worse. It is salted as a way of preserving it. It is on all the menus in lots of different ways –
with tomatoes, bacon, potatoes and vegetables and looks very good – I wouldn’t
want to buy and cook it myself though. When we got back to the dinghy it had floated under the
bridge and was wedged in place as the tide came up, so we enlisted the help of some
local lads who swam under and pulled it out for us. We gave them some euros for
a beer ! The music tonight starts at 10am on the huge stage and is a
Portuguese singer, Marisa(or was it Madonna), apparently she is a very famous
international singer ? Now for an afternoon of swimming and sun bathing –
like I said, it is hard here. The beaches in the bay are a mass of people and umbrellas,
hope they keep the noise down so they don’t disturb our afternoon nap ! |