Next Stop Spain

Blue Magic
Mark & Chris Dewey
Sat 27 Jun 2009 16:50

We caught the ferry to Olhao today, it didn’t go to Faro!

Olhao is a very non tourist town with a good market but otherwise not very remarkable.


The Island however is fascinating, lots of low level white washed houses and a couple of restaurants with tiny alleyways between, all built on the sand.

Small working fishing boats fill the little harbour and the local transport is by Massey Ferguson and one stray electric golf cart!


Tomorrow we are heading south again, 25 miles into the Rio Guadiana which is the river that forms the border between Spain and Portugal.

We have decided to stay on the Spanish side since we are getting bored with the officialdom of Portugal and the high prices of their marinas.


We are quite excited about the novelty of a marina berth, apart from a brief night at Sines, we have been anchoring for the last 10 days.

It will be such luxury to stock up at the supermarket, charge the batteries (the boat’s that is), and get the washing machine on…..we are certainly learning how to enjoy the simple things in life!


In the meantime, it’s Saturday night and we are off to check out the night life on the island…….