Gulf of Suez - Mersa Thelemet

Position 29:03.55N 32:38.26E Wednesday 24th October 2012 Marsa Thelemet. The next anchorage was across the shipping channels on the
West side of the It was Deja Vous at 6.45am, I opened the curtains to see if
anyone was taking an early morning swim only to discover that there were just
two boats left in the anchorage Blue Magic and Sol Maria ! We had a leisurely breakfast and set off sailing in the
gentle breeze. The sun is much cooler now and so it is lovely to sit and soak
up some rays without burning. Thank you to Sol Maria for taking some great shots of Blue
Magic – can you see Kate Winslet on the bow ?
Before midday it was Deja Vous again when we answered a call
on the VHF from Suleika, a steel Bruce Roberts Designed yacht similar to Fai
Tira ! Suleika’s engine had overheated and cut out around 5
miles from the anchorage, it would have been very tricky to sail around the
reef and into the anchorage with the wind on the nose so we offered them
a tow. They gratefully accepted and we towed Suleika into the
anchorage where Andy climbed on board Suleika to assist, Ian and Melanie stood
by to take the tow line, Graham was on hand to manoeuvre the boat if necessary
and Lo led the way to a clear spot where we could drop the tow and Suleika
could drop their anchor. A very successful exercise !
It bought back memories of the Blue Water Rally, towing Fai
Tira through the International Rescue is back in action in the We stayed a couple of nights at this anchorage, we had hoped
to persuade the soldiers to allow us to have a barbeque on the beach since lots
of yachts had caught fish, but they wouldn’t agree. Next morning we cleaned the barnacles off our bottom and
enjoyed some great snorkelling off the reef in the afternoon with Gavin, Rhian,
Ian, Melanie, Richard and Max. Lots of small colourful fish and coral, and some huge blue
fish which are called ‘Yellow Tail Tangs’
Thanks for the photos Gavin. In the evening we enjoyed sun downers with John and Vanessa
on Suleika, along with Sol Maria (Gavin & Lica), Jigsaw (Ian &
Melanie), Christina (Kay and Graham) and Kerching (Andy & Michelle) –
lovely nibbles and drinks to say ‘Thank you’ for helping. Suleika’s engine was running again after some
modifications to the broken heat exchanger to stop the leaks and enable the
engine to be cooled entirely with seawater. |