Santa Cruz, Galapagos

Position 00:44.926S 90:18.578W We are anchored in Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz in the Galapagos
Islands, time zone UT-6, air & sea temperature 34 degrees centigrade. It is beautiful here and there are a lot more facilities
than we had imagined, restaurants, fresh fruit & vegetable market and a few
shops plus the Charles Darwin Centre, coastal walks and a beach where we can
swim with the sea lions ! There are so many birds here, they flew above ‘Blue
Magic’, escorting us all the way into the harbour and then a huge pelican
settled itself on the pushpit and has now gone to sleep there ! Tony from the Rally came to meet us by harbour boat taxi and
he bought all the officials (Agent, Port Captain, and Fumigation official),
with him so we are checked in and briefed about the town already –
wonderful ! It is Happy hour shortly at ‘La Roca’ (The Rock)
so we are off ashore to sample the local brew and culinary delights –
yippee ! |