Sailing !

Blue Magic
Mark & Chris Dewey
Sun 26 Sep 2010 21:48
Position 10:50.161S 139:42.069E We had a beautiful sunny day sailing along gently in a
bright turquoise sea. Jackamy caught a tuna and a tuna caught us and took our line
clean out of the reel before we could reel it in ! When I took in the other line at the end of the day the lure
had been bitten off – so they had that too ! During the night the winds increased and I was entertained
on my watch with a fantastic lightening display. Very weird as there were no black clouds, no stormy weather
and no rain. Morning has broken with the whole sky behind us glowing with
a red and pink hue. We had a little bird resting on the dinghy all night until
day break when he flew away, Mark will be pleased as it has s**t all over the
place ! |