The Great Barrier Reef

Blue Magic
Mark & Chris Dewey
Sun 15 Aug 2010 13:41

Position 20:15.53S 150:18.038E


We entered the Hydrographers passage at around 6.30pm this evening (Sun) and followed the leading lights, passing through the narrowest part by 9pm.


The passage has opened up from 1 Mile across at the start to 10-15 miles wide.


We are now in the centre of the great barrier reef with reefs all around us how amazing is that ? Despite the fact that we can’t see any of it as it is a very dark night.


We had a lovely moonlit night until 11pm when the moon sank into the horizon but it is still very stary and we have Angel in front of us and Bionic following up behind and it is very comforting to see their navigation lights in the dark night.


We have over a knot of tide with us and so our ETA in Mackay is tomorrow afternoon, so plenty of time to manoeuvre Fai Tira into a berth before dark and maybe even time to check in so that we are able to go ashore.

Although I think we will be crashing out and catching up with our sleep rather than hitting the town !