All at Sea

Position 17:51.35S 154:01.09W We have covered a lot of ground today although not much wind
so we are motor sailing. The sea is quite gentle but we are heeled over so it is
still giving us a work out just trying to get around the boat. It is good to have Malc on board again and he has settled
straight back into his duties – good man ! It is a shame that we are heading into the wind as he is
keen to get twistling his poles again. Sandie is suffering a little getting used to the motion so we
have strapped the electric sea sick watch onto her wrist and we are hoping that
works so that she feels better tomorrow. Our first stop is an island called Raratonga, part of the
Cook Islands, which is governed by New Zealand. Captain Cook named the islands ‘The friendly Isles’
so we are looking forward to a warm reception. |