Hotel Blue Magic

Blue Magic
Mark & Chris Dewey
Thu 6 May 2010 22:59

The hotel can’t accommodate us for dinner tonight so it is another day of catering at Hotel Blue Magic.


This morning chef Mark and sous chef Bev created a delicious brunch of fried potato patties, bacon, eggs and tomatoes.


With the help of the rolling pin I have extracted some chicken breasts from the freezer (it is a bit iced up) and tonight’s

Menu has been decided:-


Chicken Tika Masala (today’s store tins – coconut milk & tomatoes, fresh onions and apple)


Papadoms, onion salad, mango chutney and raita


Tropical Fruit and cream (store tins – pears, lychees and pineapple, fresh cream)


It will be so difficult to leave these breathtaking islands but Tahiti and Carrefour is becoming quite a draw.

We are also looking forward to sampling the ‘Roulottes’ which are mini vans that open into cafes each evening,

offering cheap and tasty local dishes.


They are better known as the ‘Roach Coaches’ !!