
Blue Magic
Mark & Chris Dewey
Sun 10 May 2009 11:45

Position 43:07.597N 09:10.941W


We left La Coruna at 11.00am, after quizzing Trevor about all the best places to visit on our way to the Med.


Once we got out into the harbour we realised why we had had such an uncomfortable night…the swell was around 4 metres and pretty uncomfortable !




Leaving La Coruna



The trip went to plan and we arrived into Camarinas seven hours later at 6pm with some very helpful marina staff to take our lines.


The approach was interesting, and there was not a buoy in site to mark our way in, we relied on our navigation and transit lines and the electronic chart plotter was very comforting.

Now it is working properly the auto helm takes charge and even changes direction itself as we reach each way point – slightly spooky !


We were exhausted…..a combination of too much socialising the night before, not much sleep in the marina and coping with a big swell all day.


We cooked a big Spaghetti Carbonara and thanks to Katie’s recipe instructions, by phone the night before, it was delicious !


8.30pm saw us collapse into bed and we didn’t stir until 9.00am !