Vuda Point, Fiji

We left Savu Savu early on Monday morning after checking out
at customs and headed towards Vuda Point marina on the largest Our plan was to go South around the island through Bligh water
and track our way through lots of reefs and islands, anchoring on route. However we soon began to realise that there was a lack of
anchoring places that we could safely reach in daylight hours and, since we
needed to reach Vuda point the next day, we decided to head North in open sea
and travel through the night instead. Everything went to plan and we arrived in the marina at
midday, giving us time to check in and to take a taxi into the main town of The entrance to the marina was very narrow as we had arrived
at low water and we scraped the bottom a couple of times as we came through ! We were glad to be entering in daylight since our chart
plotter was plotting our position on land. This is understandable because the marina is totally man
made and has a circular dredged out basin with a channel entering from the sea.
It is a very pretty marina with a nice restaurant and shop
and a small hotel complex joined by a walk way. We have booked for the boat to be lifted out and cleaned
here and we are also planning to pick up Katie, Charlotte and Holly from the
airport on Saturday, which is 15mins away by taxi. We had booked the boat to be lifted out at the marina the
next day and have the bottom scrubbed and the hull polished. |