
Position 16:46.65S 179:20.15E Last night we arrived at the entrance to Savu Savu just as
the sun was going down and the customs and officials were going home, so we
anchored in a little bay and enjoyed a good curry on board followed by a whole
nights sleep – wonderful. At 7.30pm this morning we headed on into the bay and a nice
man in a dinghy guided as to a buoy just off the The health official has just been on board and declared us
healthy and now customs are cleared to come aboard and check us in. We were hoping to be moored stern to at the Savu Savu Yacht
Club with direct access to shore but that hasn’t materialised so we will
have to take to the dinghy again. We are the first rally boat to arrive and the
little harbour is already busy with lots of yachts moored, so it will be packed
full once the rest of the fleet arrive (24 yachts)! It is very sheltered here between with the main We crossed the dateline as we entered the harbour and we are
now in the Eastern hemisphere ! Our local time is UT +12 hrs, BST + 11hrs. |