More Shopping in Gibralter!

Blue Magic
Mark & Chris Dewey
Wed 8 Jul 2009 19:10

I can tell you, I have never been so excited before in a Morrison’s supermarket !


They had current buns, Robinsons orange squash, Dowe Egberts Coffee, runner beans and even Yorkshire T bags – fantastic.

I was overjoyed to be temporarily transported back to Totton.


We followed that with a trip to the Chandlery, which resembled a scene from the two Ronnies…….


‘Have you got a couple of oars?’


‘No sir, we are a chandlers!’


‘Oars – for our Avon Dinghy?’


‘Oh yes sir, here we are, but will they fit your rollocks!’


Eventually we came away with some very nice aluminium oars to replace our wooden ones that are held together with duck tape.


Tomorrow we are going back to the binocular shop to continue bartering for a pair of Steiner Marine binoculars, Mark has been bartering for fuel prices today and he has nearly saved enough to make the binoculars viable!