
Blue Magic
Mark & Chris Dewey
Mon 6 Jul 2009 17:24

Position 36:08.945N 05:21.227W


Monday 6th July


Well – here we are in Gibraltar, three months after leaving the UK and 2200 miles notched up on the ship’s log.


The boat is performing beautifully, we have enjoyed some terrific sailing, visited lots of new places and ‘got by’ in four different languages.




This is our first view of Gibraltar, we nearly sailed straight passed as we were steaming along at 11 knots with 4 knots of tide under us, making the sea quite lumpy as you can see from the white caps on the waves.






We were amazed at the amount of shipping in the straights, ships of all kinds going in all directions and also lots anchored in the bay.




The approach to the marina                                         The runway is alongside the pontoons!            We can see the rock of Gibraltar from the boat.



    The mooring is Mediterranean style in Gibraltar so Mark’s first chance to test out his feat of engineering and assemble the boarding plank that he designed and built in the UK (rather hurriedly just before we left).


I made Mark cross it first and guessed that would be test enough that it was safe for me!

No fancy handrails, but it looks very simple and chic.