Freinds Join Us

Blue Magic
Mark & Chris Dewey
Wed 3 Jun 2009 19:03

Hi Everyone, sorry for the lack of updates but we have just been bumbling around Povoa de Varzim so not much news.

We also received our first phone bill for our photo transfers to the blog and we are still recovering from the shock !


The barbeque was good on Sunday, we dipped out of the shopping trip and coffee morning and, although we were tempted, we also turned down the belly dancing this afternoon !


You can nearly begin to understand how people get stuck here.


Today we have cleaned the boat and restocked our provisions ready to welcome Bev & Martin aboard tomorrow. They are arriving for breakfast and staying with us until Sunday.

We have a quick turnaround this time to be ready to welcome Sandra and David, who are arriving on Tuesday.


It will be great to catch up with friends.