
Blue Magic
Mark & Chris Dewey
Thu 2 Jul 2009 17:28

Position 36:44.81N 06:25.76W


July 1st 2009


We left El Rompido on a high tide and followed the buoys closely !


Sailing along gently at 4-5 knots we arrived at Chipiona early evening. The entrance was a bit roly and the marina staff not very friendly, but we eventually moved into a free berth and the local café had internet so we caught Amalia & Riley on skype for bath time – brilliant !  


The marina and beach front were a bit tatty but the town was colourful and lively. We had breakfast in town and bought some farm animals and bubbles in preparation for Amalia and Riley, who are visiting in two weeks time !


Before leaving at midday we topped up with enough fuel to last until Gibralter where we can take advantage of duty free prices.


Another gentle sail into Cadiz bay, we decided to anchor off the beach as it was such a lovely evening.