
Blue Magic
Mark & Chris Dewey
Sat 26 Sep 2009 11:53

Bill & Sue, our friends who left the UK at the same time as us, arrived in Gibraltar yesterday afternoon and so it was really good to catch up over dinner and swap stories  about our sailing adventures over the last six months.


Rain !


It’s pouring with rain here in Gibraltar today for the first time in three months so the polishing has been put on hold and we are doing some inside jobs instead.


Mark is servicing the engine which seems to involve getting out lots of spares boxes and tools and placing them randomly on every available surface throughout the boat, including the forward cabin. He then disappears inside the engine room for long periods, leaving the mess behind.


The good news is that I can’t hear any swearing, in fact I can’t hear anything – maybe he is asleep in there, or maybe, as Adam suggested, it is the only sound proof area on the boat where he can escape from me!


I am sorting through clothes to turn out anything that hasn’t been used to date so that we take them back to the UK for storage, Katie will be thrilled as it’s her loft that I have in mind for storage.


Have a nice weekend !