Departure tomorrow !

Blue Magic
Mark & Chris Dewey
Fri 13 Nov 2009 15:39

At last Malcolm and Adam, our intrepid Atlantic crew, have arrived in Lanzarote and tomorrow morning we are leaving to set sail for Antigua, 3000 miles across the Atlantic Ocean.


Today we are hectic with last minute preparations…


I have taken back the hire car, paid the marina fees and got all six copies of our crew list stamped and cleared by the marina office ready for the officialdom of the Caribbean.


The crew have had their safety briefings and now the team are cleaning off the bottom of the boat to ensure a quick passage !





Adam & Mark are diving and cleaning with the snorkels and Malcolm is supervising and providing refreshments from the pontoon.


Five of the smaller boats left on Thursday morning and we will hopefully catch them up in a few days, Miss Tippy sneaked out this morning ahead of the rest of the fleet, who are planning on leaving around 10.00am tomorrow.


‘Roundabout’ our sister ship is also busy scrubbing their bottom to get those few extra knots of speed.


As you can see from the photos, the fleet are dressed overall and have banner flags flying in celebration of our last night.


We are going to dinner with the crew from ‘Roundabout’ this evening for a bit of ‘bonding’ !