St Pierre

Position 14:44.54N 61:10.72W Saturday 9th January We are anchored off It is said that the last ones that died uttered horrible
curses invoking the mountain to take it’s revenge. In true At that time The wealth of the island lay in the rich plantations surrounding
The city also provided enough bars, brothels and dancing
girls for the visiting sailors ! There was plenty of warning from the volcano’s
rumblings but the newly elected governor was encouraged to sit tight by the
planters and business leaders who would have suffered financial losses if the
city was evacuated. At two minutes past eight in the morning, the side of the
volcano facing All that remained were smoking ruins, 29,933 people burned
to death leaving only two survivors, Leon Leandre, the local cobbler, who was
in his cellar and the famous Cyparis who was imprisoned for murder in a stone
cell. Twelve ships in the bay were also destroyed. |