Shoping and Snorkling !

Position 39:00.6N 01:17.8E Tuesday 1st September The girls shopped till they dropped in Today we are in Cala Salada and the snorkel training is
going well. Emily is using her mask & snorkel and Sheena is using the mask
whilst making us roar with laughter at her technique. The technique involves submerging her head and arms and legs
whilst keeping her bottom stuck high above the surface and wiggling it at an alarming
speed – quite amazing ! We all swam to the beach and back, although the promised ice
creams were abandoned when we realised we had forgotten the water proof wallet
belt with the money in – oh dear just as well Katie wasn’t with us
! Tonight it is cheese, mushroom burgers with salad and sauté potatoes
whilst our vegetarian, Emily, is sampling Spanish Tortilla. |