Day 3/4/5 Biscay

Well, Wednesday dinner was jacket potatoes to keep
energy levels up. The boat was jumping about so much that the potatoes kept
getting wedged at the back of the microwave and not getting cooked ! A very lumpy night and wind on the nose as usual. We tried
sailing off track to steady things but after a majority vote it was decided to
motor on and get there quicker. With all the crew flat out Mark was sent into the
cockpit to change the chart chip with navigation details for The chart wouldn’t work and we think we have
damaged the pins trying to put the chip in as none of our charts work now. This led to much excitement navigating on a dark
night into a new port, we finally found our way into the marina after much
confusion trying to identify some meaningful lights. We tied up at 2.55am Thurs morning, filled ourselves
up with a huge spaghetti bolognaise washed down with a couple of glasses of
wine and then hit our bunks until late morning. The morning showers were pure luxury and we are all
feeling and smelling human again. The next day was spent exploring the street markets
in town, and sampling the food stalls. The chocolate crepes were simply the
best. We were the first boat to arrive at Saturday was market day and we stocked up with lots
of local delicacies, the sun was shining at last and we sunbathed on deck for
the afternoon before joining the rest of the rally for a pontoon party at 6pm. After lots of Pimms we ambled up into town to
sample the local squid, prawns and fish for dinner – we are starting to feel
like we are on holiday now ! Tonight we have to ‘glam up’ as we are
guests at the very exclusive Club Nautico where we are being entertained with
drinks and Tapas. Apparantly last year there was a famous opera singer
visiting the club who gave an impromptu performance to all the guests –
so we are expecting great things…watch this space ! Position 43:22.05N 08:23.70W Soon we will attempt to load up some pics, but we
need to work up to that ! Hopefully our position will be updated today, we
really have left Torquay – promise ! |