
The crew have urged me to confess to my latest antics ! Last night we headed into Lots of the rally people congregated together and we had a
great evening. We taxied back to the dinghy dock which was busy with people
all heading back to their boats. Our dinghy was the nearest so Mark boarded,
closely followed by me. I sat on the side to make room for John & Sue to get on
board and that’s when things went wrong…. Rather unfortunately I momentarily lost my balance and
rolled backwards straight into the water, a very impressive dive roll ! After a complete somersault I surfaced to be dragged back
into the dinghy, very wet and hysterical with laughter along with all the
spectators. This morning I have tried to be sensible and I have achieved
getting to shore in the dinghy by myself for a power walk along the waterfront
and even managed to get back to the boat again safely however that’s when
things started to go wrong again …… A little bit of beauty therapy ensued which included dying
my eyebrows as they have bleached in the sun and disappeared. All seemed to be going well until Mark arrived to get access
to the engine room and found the door locked, I happily obliged by turning the
lock only to find that it was stuck. Suddenly things didn’t look so good, the water maker
was noisily working full steam ahead in the engine room next to me, pumping out
lots of heat and my body won’t squeeze through the little overhead hatch
to escape. After lots of fiddling and tool passing through the hatch,
Mark talked me through taking the lock apart and I successfully escaped,
however several moments later, when I caught site of myself in the mirror, I
was horrified to see two huge black caterpillars above my eyes. I had forgotten the eyebrow dye ! Luckily it has mainly washed off and I am now in recovery
for the rest of the day. |