
Position 16:25.33N 61:48.47W We are having a lovely sail today with full sail up on a
broad reach at a steady 7 knots with the sun shining, heading South to It is strange sailing all day just the two of us and I keep
expecting Malc or Adam to pop up at any moment ! However we do have a new crew member that Katie left for us
yesterday (she forgot to give her to us when we left She is a duck and we have named her ‘Ursula’ Ursula is going to bring us good luck on our travels and is
to be returned safely back to Katie once our trip is over. You will have to wait for her photo, she is pink with stars
and stripes and a ‘U’ on her front (hence the name Ursula). Whilst sailing today we have been studying the pilot books
ready to explore all the new islands that we plan to visit over the next month. Guadeloupe, Lots to keep us busy now all our visitors are heading home ! |