Storms hit Portugal

Blue Magic
Mark & Chris Dewey
Tue 9 Jun 2009 11:03
Last night the wind increased to storm force and hit us along
with torrential rain. We were woken up at 3.00am with the noise of the wind and
rain, we were also being bounced about – just as if we were at sea. Mark went outside in just his underpants to put on some
extra lines and re arrange the fenders, he came back 10 mins later freezing
cold and drenched. He took a hot shower, put on full waterproofs and went back
out to finish the adjustments – bless him ! The storms have continued all day, they are forecast to
clear by Tuesday when David and Sandra arrive – so that is good news. The entrance to the marina is impassable today. The
waves are breaking over the breakwater to the marina.