On the Move again !

Blue Magic
Mark & Chris Dewey
Fri 23 Apr 2010 09:28

Position 10:18.52S 141:08.62W


We pulled up our anchor yesterday and sailed to the next island of Ua Pou and into another dramatic anchorage for the night.


This morning we set off on the 480 mile trip to the Tuamotu Islands, a group of coral atolls that stretch some 1000 miles across to Tahiti and that rise barely more than six feet above sea level.

The atolls are rings of coral with a pass into a lagoon within, the passes can be quite narrow and the tide rips in and out – so navigation is only during the day and at slack water!


We have departed early from Nuku Hiva because of the Icelandic volcano eruption – first the bank and now the airlines (not to mention Kerry Katona), what can we expect next from Iceland !

Bev & Martin were due to join us in Nuku Hiva today but their flights had to be re scheduled so they are now joining us in the Tuamotu’s on the 29th April to enjoy the islands and sail with us to Tahiti.


We are hoping to arrive at the islands on Sunday, in Daylight, however we are making fast time with a favourable current – so we may have to slow down when we get closer and wait for the afternoon slack water to navigate into Manihi.