Bozyasi, Turkey

Blue Magic
Mark & Chris Dewey
Sun 23 Sep 2012 14:50

Position 36:05.858N 32:56.399E




Sunday 23rd September 2012


We woke at 7.30am this morning keen to hear the radio net at 0800, however when Mark opened the hatch and took a look around all the other yachts had left !

There was no radio net since everyone had left the harbour and so we departed too hoping that the novelty of early starts will wear off once everyone settles into the rally !

A gentle trip of 45 miles following the coastline, which is very green and cultivated with endless banana plantations, very pretty.

Fluky winds so we motor sailed most of the way and arrived at Bozyasi at 1415.


Local fishing boats, moored alongside the quay, took up most of the space so we dropped anchor inside the harbour wall with the rest of the fleet except for Sol Maria, Mistral and Tilikum who found space stern too the quay. The dogs on Mistral were very excited about getting to shore !


It was a lovely sunny afternoon so we launched the dinghy and set off to say ‘hello’ to our fellow yachts and let them know that we were heading for the beach for a swim.


Ian & Melanie from ‘Jigsaw’ joined us with their cat ‘Puzzle’ who came ashore to explore the rocks. Gavin & Lica came in our dinghy and Mustafa walked around to join us too at the sandy beach for a swim.


We plan a trip ashore tonight to walk along the beach front and sample the local restaurants.


Entrance to the harbour left and yacht ‘Kerching’, Andrew & Michele’s Moody 47, at anchor beside us.