Diving, Mexican trains and kippers !

Blue Magic
Mark & Chris Dewey
Wed 28 Nov 2012 14:56



Yesterday we had a day out on one of the local dive boats with David from ‘Gwen L’ and his two friends Adrian and Julia who are currently staying on board for their holidays.


We did a reef dive in the morning followed by a delicious buffet lunch on board, and then we motored to another reef for our second dive of the day.

Julia and Adrian were brilliant and very relaxed in the water considering it was their first open water dive.

Julia buddied with the instructor, Mark and I were together and David and Adrian were buddies.


David and Adrian seemed to forget that we were with an instructor and swam off oblivious to the rest of us !

It was highly entertaining to see our instructor catch up with them and give them a good telling off – I didn’t know you could swear underwater !


We saw some fantastic coral formations along with shoals of orange fish, parrot fish, angel fish and a huge conger eel.

The day was rounded off by sharing a few beers and enjoying one of David’s culinary creations for supper on ‘Gwen L’.


Mexican Trains

I have long since stopped being surprised when Mark returns from dinner out with red wine stains on his clothes.

But this is ridiculous……




During an evening of Mexican trains, Andy and Michelle seemed to prefer wearing the red wine than drinking it !



We are on count down to coming home now and so we are using up all that remains in the freezer.

Mark has especially enjoyed bacon and sausages for breakfast and this morning, a special treat, kippers.

It transpired that Mark is not the only one on the rally partial to Kippers for breakfast and he soon had a special guest join him.




Puzzle shared the kippers enthusiastically and then proceeded to explore every bed and cubby hole, she even got comfortable inside our half packed bags before settling for a sleep in the sunny cockpit.  




Apologies for the recent lack of sailing adventures on the blog as we prepare Blue Magic for a period of absence and look forward to spending Christmas at home.


2 More Sleeps............... until we arrive in the UK !