Leaving Bermuda

Suzie Too - Western Caribbean
David & Suzanne Chappell
Mon 25 Apr 2011 20:33
Lisa and Andy arrived on Tuesday evening and we met them at the White Horse
in St Georges and introduced them to the local Dark & Stormy. Wednesday
evening we had a drinks party on board for about 11 people, Heimkehr, Traversay
III, Destiny and Macy, which was a roaring success and went through 2 litres of
dark rum. Actually the American thing of bringing nibbles works well and
no one needed to eat, or was in a fit state to cook that night.
It became clear that we would have to leave Bermuda earlier as the weather
off the east coast of the USA was kicking up for a few days and meant if we
waited we would probably have to stay for an extra week and potentially miss our
flights. So we quickly hit the beaches, did some snorkelling, flew kites in the
local tradition on Good Friday (something to do with the frame of the kite being
shaped like a cross and then ascending into the heavens apparently). Then a
quick visit to Polaris and cancelled our booking for Sunday lunch and changed it
to a meal for Friday night, of which Suzanne & Lisa ordered every sushi
& sashimi dish on the menu.
We had drinks on Friday night on Traversay III, before going out, and we
saw the piano, which has a Yamaha keyboard at correct height for a Grand Piano
and pulls out from under the bunk in the forward cabin. When the boat was
designed, the designers mistakenly had the bass end towards the saloon, so Mary
Anne had them mirror image the boat left to right to correctly have the treble
end at the audience or musician accompaniment end. I have to say although it may
seem eccentric it was very nice and sounds terrific, it matches perfectly with
the gorgeous Canadian wood interior and sounded wonderfully warm and homely,
clearly it gives both Mary Anne and Larry a lot of joy.
In the end 3 of us left on Saturday even though it looks like we will have
to do some motoring AGAIN!! Macy for Rhode Island, Traversay III for Nova Scotia
and dear old Suzie Too for New York City. After fuelling US$943 OUCH, Heimkehr
came over in their dinghy and gave us a US courtesy flag and sticker for the
garbage and oil regulations in US waters and played Rule Britannia on the mouth
organ â such lovely people â we hope to meet Bert & Marlene again â but they
are heading back home to Hamburg, Germany for a while.