Set off from Parnu at 6am towards
Kuressaare on the Island
of Saaremaa 74 miles, we washed
and scrubbed the boat down on route as she was filthy full of sand and grit. We
were proud of how clean she looked then just before we arrived we were
surrounded by sea flies which stuck to our lovely clean decks and made us feel
itchy, yuck!! The entrance to Kuressaare was very rocky and the dredged
fairway was full of seagrass so it was showing 1.7 and 1.5 meters on the depth gauge
which was rather unnerving as we are 2metres depth. But the harbour
master assured us that it was dredged to 2.5 so we kept going, on entering the
harbour the Harbour Master was waving to us and showing us our berth, he also
caught our lines. He gave us information about the town, marina and the timetable
of the events he was very proud of his marina. We had timed this visit just
right as it was the start of their Sea festival which lasted all weekend with
live bands, music, stalls and fireworks. It is a beautiful town the
capital of Saaremma, the whole Island
has a population of 35,000 people. People were arriving all day to visit
and take part in the activities, archery, sea trials, helicopter rescue, beach,
sailing and fishing events. We dressed our boat with Flags to help celebrate.
On day two we cycled around and had a lunch
of local Sausage, pickled cabbage and boiled potatoes at one of the stalls then
cycled into town and had coffee and cakes while people watching for a few
Our total mileage so far is 2,146.00
miles since we set off in April.
We are now on our way back to England and have a month to get to the Kiel canal the weather forecast is showing signs of lots
of wind and low coming into the area so I think our warm weather is coming to
an end. We have been very lucky as so far we have not been weathered in
and have wonderful tans to prove the weather we have had.


Doesn’t she
look pretty
Local beach, volley ball


Castle Moat and David
in new yellow Helly Hanson top dressed up as it was Sunday


Proud of his sausage
and pickled cabbage


Game of Archery


Marquee and one of
the brass bands


Put our minds at rest
they do have a rescue service


Sitting in the main
square idling the time away - wonderful
Saddle sore too many
cobbled streets.
We like Estonia, the place is lovely the
people are very friendly and have time to talk it has a lovely feel to it, we feel
very safe.
Off to Latvia in the morning our 8th
country so far.
Love to all Suzanne & David xxxx