Suzie's new Toy

Suzie Too - Western Caribbean
David & Suzanne Chappell
Sat 6 Feb 2010 11:26
Well now the boat flies downwind - we set the new
pole out, rigging fore and aft guys and were stonking along at 8 and 9kts, we
even reefed down and kept the speed up, and last night had a very quiet
night with the sails, overtaking several boats - so now Suzie Too is quick on
all points of sail. As dawn breaks we have 3 more boats on the horizon
ahead and will overtake them later this morning. There were only 4 boats at the
anchorage when we left, Havanita, Agapanthe 2 and then Fidelio and Pilhoue VI
both of whom had completed their PADI dive exams. The first group left about 5
hours ahead of us, so I am looking forward to seeing how well we do on this
downwind leg to Forteleza
Fernando da Noronha was just a wonderful marine
nature reserve - Suzanne will tell you more and post the piccies, but the
snorkelling and diving were better than the Great Barrier Reef - much more
colour and more variety and no dangerous jelly fish. We swam with sharks,
turtles (so close you could brush the sand of their backs - if you were allowed
to touch), rays, moray eels, octopus and lobster and a million different
coloured fish, just below us in only 2 - 3m of water. We rented dune buggies
(the standard transport), watched a world qualifying round for the Hangloose
surfing championships and hit most of the beaches, including one with
2 vertical ladders - the swimming and surf were absolutely