La Coruna for 3 days

After a day’s recovery, we planned to set off 2 miles
across the bay from the lovely anchorage into Tried to pick up the anchor, the anchor was so heavy the
windlass was under strain, so David drove over the anchor to see if he could
break it free, No this didn’t work, I took up some more slack anchor chain, we
noticed under the water that we had picked up an old ships anchor and mooring
line unmarked. David came up with the idea to get a line from both sides
attach the lines to both sides of the old anchor and cleats these lines to the
bow. This enabled us to put a trip line on our anchor, drop our anchor
free of the attached old anchor ( which was now hanging from our bow) our
anchor freed it self and David then pulled the trip line to pull up our anchor
by hand as far away from the boat as poss. Do you still understand this?
as by now I was in a panic. Anyway it did free this way, and once our
anchor was clear, we released the lines from our bow and the old ships anchor
and all trimming sank to the bottom of the sea, happy end to the story, thank
god or it could have been expensive lost anchors cost a lot. We would
never have retrieved it as we had over 10 mtrs of water. Even though it says in the Imray book do not anchor in With relief we were free so we motored over to La Coruna
Marina Seca where there is water at the quay so you can get gasoil during
Spanish office hours. We filled up with Gasoil 325 litres at 0.99€ , not
bad. I then radioed up on VHF 09 to the marina expecting it to
be difficult to book in, only to be told that the rib would meet us outside the
breakwater and assist us to our berth, where the 2 lads caught our lines and
secured us up safely. The customs where simple, I gave our passports and
a typed up crew and boat information list which made it very easy, we were
checked in, simple. 97€ for 3 nights. at David got the bikes out, filled the water tanks, I set the
washing machine going and off we went exploring, the old town, we had cycle
paths all the way around town we then has a Sushi lunch at 3pm (the Spanish eat
late) overlooking the marina and picked up some cakes for dessert later. Nice place to visit or hole into if the weather is bad,
brilliant place to cycle as they have cycle paths all over. Weather about
25 Views and old relics Love to you all we are off tomorrow 50 miles down the
coast to Camarinas for a few days then round Finisterre xxxx |