Necessity was in Herjolfsnes in Greenland

Eva and Jan Fr. Mack
Mon 29 Jul 2013 10:27
…but that was yesterday. This is considered to be the Norse settlement that lasted the longest in Greenland, into 1500 something. Personally I would have died of depression in less that a year. In mid summer the main characteristics of the place is a huge number of equally big Icebergs, some of them threatening the harbour. There are a few green patches ashore, but not enough to sustain more than a cow or two, if they could be kept alive over winter. True, it is a place of stunning beauty, but it is hard to believe they stayed for the scenery. My gut feeling is that the place proves that not only the Inuit, but also the Norsemen lived off the sea.
After Herjolfsnes we have been through Prince Christian Sound, a 55 nautical mile long channel that cuts through south Greenland to the east coast. There is frequently a lot of ice in the sound, but we got a forecast after a flyover telling us it was virtually ice free, and also ice free on the east coast. It is unusual, but the route saves us a day or two to Iceland. We are now well through this route of compact scenery. It beats most of what I have seen in Alaska, Chile and the Norwegian coast.
Jan Fr. 28.07.13
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