Necessity is in Long Point Cove
Eva and Jan Fr. Mack
Wed 2 Jun 2010 03:43
Only Jan Fr. is on board.
Lise and Hans-Jacob is on the way home. They left from Bella Bella. I will take the boat down towards Vancouver on my own. The first small stretch was to Long Point Cove. It is always a little odd when people leave. Lisa and Hans-Jacob were excellent company.
They left with another very good wildlife experience. Coming out of Horsefly Cove yesterday, we met at least two big Humpback whales coming up through the straight. This is a very narrow straight with strong currents. It was an exiting experience. Then a few hours later we were only few meters away when an eagle grabbed a fish out of the sea.
The weather forecast for tomorrow is for strong winds. I will move a bit further towards Queen Charlotte Sound and be ready to cross to Vancouver Island on Thursday when the wind is expected to be down.
Jan Fr