A year without moving…

Sat 24 Dec 2022 18:59
Star Charger has not moved out of her berth for a year now… we must try and do better in 2023. But I thought I would update people on our 2022… It didn’t start well. We flew home for Christmas last year which was great, and Mother had Christmas dinner with us, but she was not at all well. We delayed our return and Mother died on 20th January. Thank God we were home. She was nearly 92, so a good innings, but very sad, I miss her. We returned to St Lucia, to work on Guiding Light, more details here… https://guidinglightgauntlet.blogspot.com/ Just before we flew back to the U.K. a friend’s dog scratched one of Gill’s moles, it didn’t really heal. Back in the U.K. we had it checked out and it was unfortunately cancer. Wow, what a frightening thing to hear! Two operations and numerous tests and she has been pronounced clear, but we have to go back for regular checkups. Then we had three friends die over a two week period. All had strong connections to St Lucia. One from a stroke, one in a car accident, and one a heart attack (out of the blue), very sobering. Our hearts go out to their loved ones. Now we are refocusing on what is important in our lives and what our future looks like. So far we haven’t got close to an answer unfortunately. But hopefully over Christmas we will have time to marshal our thoughts. Now on Christmas Eve, we miss our family and friends around the world but wish everyone Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Love Alasdair and Gill Alasdair Maclean +1 (758) 723 1430 St Lucian mobile phone +44 (0) 7710 197949 British mobile phone Sent from Alasdair's iPad 6 |