Ready to depart

Sun 26 May 2019 00:02
Peter and Alison have gone out on a big catamaran for the Sunday morning race..... Star Charger will feel small to them when they get back.
We have this week, gone back in the water, installed a new generator, a new chart plotter and fixed all that is broken! The victualling is all done, everything is tested!
Just got to check the mizzen mast and sea stow the boat and we will be off, 10:00 (00:30 GMT) tomorrow, Monday.
Excited to be leaving and really looking forward to being at sea again
Fair winds
Alasdair, Gill, Alison and Peter
+61458 380549 Australian mobile phone
+870776 764870 Inmarsat satellite phone
+441372 463121 British land line
+447710 197949 British mobile phone
Sent from Alasdair's iPad 6