Portsmouth Dominica

Mon 9 Mar 2015 15:36
Well we arrived safely here last Sunday. Quiet an eventful trip, the wind topped 34 knots at times a gale force 8.... And quite a swell too. Needless to say we made excellent time under jib and mizzen. It all calmed down as we came into the lee of the island and we had to motor the last few miles. We anchored in behind Spirited Lady at the back of the anchorage.
The PAYS barbecue's are fantastic events and this one was no exception, great to catch up with old friends and meet new people. I have just bought tickets for tonight's....
This week we have been up to see the parrots, swum in a waterfall (with the dogs of course) and played cricket with a local school. Oh and sat at anchor watching the wind top 40 knots, on and off all week!
Susie has flown home for a week or so and so we will be here for awhile. Lots of jobs to do and more fun to be had. Dominica is one of our favourite islands.
Gill is down below practicing her sax which is nice. I am off to do more polishing
Fair winds
Love Alasdair and Gill
+17585 206961
Sent from Alasdair's iPad