Not a happy bunny...

Mon 29 Jun 2015 12:50
Don't you just love boats....
Having spent a fortune and had four people "fix" the generator, it still doesn't a fuel leak!
The heads which blocked yesterday and i cleared....have blocked again!
The wifi....which we pay for and says is over 80% won't connect....
Other than that all is well!
Though I think I may have inadvertently stumbled upon why America is so set on maintaining their gun law. Friday night saw us spend an hour and a half getting to the town that does the Fish Friday and Jump Up. We arrived at 7.30pm and a discussion took place as to return time....9 o'clock was suggested then someone pointed out that was only an hour and a half so maybe 9.30, several people said that was too late for them.... I entered the conversation stated that I thought the earliest we should return was midnight (I am convinced they thought I was joking!) I stated that there was no way I was leaving before 10pm so that was agreed.
At 9.30 someone came to find us to say that everyone else was ready to go. I informed them that the agreed time was 10, and continued to watch the steal band that had just started. Gill made us go back to the bus at 9.55 where we found most people in their seats and crumbling about how late it was...
The following day at the Hash one of the said party was complaining that Fish Friday was a bit quiet!!!! What do they expect if you go to a Jump Up (they usually start about 10 and take an hour or so to get going) and leave while they are still setting up.... I was banned from saying anything...probably for the best
Still hopefully some more friends will arrive soon and we will have more support for staying till the party at least starts
Rant over, off to fix the heads then the wifi then the generator
Love Alasdair and Gill
+1758 520 6961
Sent from Alasdair's iPad