02 Cargo in the hold....

Sun 9 Oct 2016 23:26
"18.44.305S 160.13.761W" Today we left Aitutaki bound for Palmerston. Sadly without Oscar who after much deliberation decided to remain. We shall miss him very much. I am sure we will sail with him again at some point. We do, however, now have cargo! Palmerston is to say the least, remote... We have a vital parcel of spare parts needed to restore the island's communications that have been down for two weeks. A box of food and a flat screen TV complete the contents of the hold. On deck we have a bicycle... No idea who they are for I guess we will find out when we get there. Though I suspect the wifi may not work before we leave. We also have a huge hand of bananas for us to eat on route...a thank you for carrying supplies... What a magnificent community. Fair winds Alasdair, Gill and Mia |