9 Full rainbows

Sun 24 Jun 2018 00:38
"10.25.68S 137.32.94E" Progress continues to be good in a fairly steady 20-25 knots SE wind. We have had some sunshine and showers. This morning I had the glorious sight of a rainbow rising from the sea and returning to the sea. One of the splendid sights of the ocean that never fails to make me feel good. We have also had Mars accompanying our night passages, rising at dusk and chasing west with us. I will be glad to get to Darwin, and not just because I am meeting Gill there. The last few weeks have been fairly full on, 25 days at sea so far since we left New Zealand a month ago. I am feeling drained. At least it is good practice for crossing the Indian! Fair winds Alasdair and Pickles +870776 764870 Inmarsat satellite phone +447710 197949 British mobile phone +441372 463121 British land line +642102 639190 New Zealand mobile phone |