The final push west

It is interesting to note that we set off into the unknown to explore new places yet we often seem to return to places we have been before! We are now in Alicante “38.20.467N 00.28.966W” for the third time! Last week Mother and Fuzz came to see us in Menorca (our second time there). The weather wasn’t great but we had a fantastic time. We managed to get into Cala Covas which is a beautiful anchorage but the south westerly swell made it untenable so we had to return to Cala Taulera, perhaps my favourite anchorage so far. The week rushed by, as has the four months that we have spent in the Mediterranean. We managed to get Mother in and out of the dinghy on several occasions so were able to stay at anchor all week which was perfect. They were our last Mediterranean guests so we are now rushing west towards Gibraltar. It has been fantastic, I can’t put into words the sheer joy of sailing under clear blue skies, through water of ever changing colour and with the occasional sighting of dolphins and other marine life. We have had dozens of friends and family members come out to see us which has increased our enjoyment no end. We have visited many places and made friends albeit fleeting ones along the way. We have covered nearly 5000 nm and spent 11 nights at sea, so lots of experience gained. We have anchored in 21 different places and spent 56 nights riding at anchor. We have been into 28 different marinas. To single out a few highlights seems churlish but here goes.... Little birds time with us Watching shooting stars with Neil, Lucy and Gus while anchored off St Tropez Our time at the Isles de Lerins with Chris and Gee, and everyone else who was there.. Swimming off Monte Carlo with the Woodings Watching Oscar and Henry explore the boat with Malcolm and Pauline Towing Allen, same as Alan with Josh and Becky Spending nights ashore with The Woodwards and with Steve et al George driving the dinghy at night wearing shades.... Winning the two week water fight with Meelie The next adventure is out into the Atlantic and the boat is far from ready. The list of jobs I had at the beginning of the summer does not seem to have got much shorter. Somehow there was always plenty to do to fill the days. Please think about coming out to see us, it adds so much and is such a privilege for us to be able to share this amazing experience with our friends. Wishing you fair winds and love Alasdair, Gill, Habitat, Pickles and Star Charger Alasdair Maclean +44 (0)7710 197949 |