A better week!

Sun 15 Apr 2018 04:56
This week has gone better than last!
I have finally fixed an irritating small fresh water leak. Tracked it down to a flexible pipe not having been cut square. Done by a "professional".
Work has started on the seacocks and through hulls. One was found to be not secured properly, when we started to take it apart the metal fell in pieces.....modern fittings made of monkey metal.
The antenna for the SSB and the ground plate are both in, getting close to operational.
The guys at Whangarei Marine have breathed new life into the generator
Now I just need to fit the watermaker, and the generator.....finish off the other jobs and stow the boat ready for sailing. I reckon I have a week more work than time, situation normal!
Last Sunday evening at the marina barbecue a couple got out their violin and guitar. Often Cruisers play instruments, often not well. This was wonderful so it was no surprise to find that her full time job is Concert Violinist and he a Conductor...
The first crew member lands Tuesday and is going to spend a week touring. The other two are just finalising their Australian visa
More to come next week
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