The big one
Sat 17 Oct 2020 19:07
I have little to add to my last blog, apart from a few practical details. We have survived our leaving do, achieved the plan for today (do very little and recover). The plan now is to haul out on Monday and spend Tuesday cleaning Star Charger’s hull and servicing two sticky though hulls. That is, “of course”, after our radio interview at 08:00 GMT on Saint FM, if you are interested. Our final farewell we be at the Yacht Club on Wednesday evening. Then we will clear out Thursday morning and slip our mooring at 13:00. Tears I am sure, will flow. Then the big one.... the passage from here to St Lucia is some 4,000 NM, perhaps 32 days, so our longest yet. The exact distance and time will be determined by how wide the ITCZ is when and where we cross. Gordon, Carmen’s father, has kindly agreed to do his best to guide us through, a difficult task for him, but really useful one for us! And, let’s not forget that when we arrive in the Caribbean we will have officially circumnavigated! We started this journey on the 13th May 2013, and we left St Lucia on the 21st October 2015. For me I will not have completed my journey till we sail back into the Isles of Scilly, where I learnt to sail back in 1974, and where we left on 13th May 2013..... but that is another passage. Now our priority is to say farewell to this beautiful haven.... Thank you St Helena With love Alasdair Alasdair Maclean +290 64710 St Helena mobile phone +44 (0) 7710 197949 British mobile phone +870776 764870 Inmarsat satellite phone +881632 683990 Iridium Go |